Saturday, July 1, 2017

Your Dance - a metaphor that really means something to you

Dancing with You or Myself

For many, the metaphor ‘dance’ has many different meanings but no matter how you cut the cards, the ‘dance’ is always about life. We all have a dance or two in our life and it is that moment in time that makes a difference when we reminisce or think about those days of yesterday.
Whether the dance is a pleasurable treasure or a bad nightmare, the fact is, every dance has purpose or reason that we can learn from. Hence, we have a slow dance, a fast dance, a very rhythmic pace or a slow rocking to sleep motion. Every dance is based on the music played and the mood of the time.
A dance can be filled with regret or reasons of sadness. There are no rules to worry about when you dance it’s all about you, your mood, emotion or feelings at the time you take those steps. The dance cannot be dictated by another. Nobody can lead you to dance your dance. They may try to lead and turn you around but in the end, you find the right moment to make it all come together for you and nobody else.
The dance is about love and happiness – it’s about heaven and hell and about living and dying. It’s about the stars and the moon and all the heavenly bodies that you see above your head as you gaze into the sky. And at the same time, it’s about who comes into your life and who leaves you. There are many reasons to dance and every moment counts as you add up your time on earth and wait for tomorrow.
Whether it is day or night, you find yourself always thinking about yourself and how you have loved someone or lost someone and how you feel or sometimes fear. The dance can be about rich and famous and poor and struggling with everyday problems and worries. Sometimes the dance is about someone for whom you care.
Even when the dance is over you can replay that moment in time forever through eternity. Nobody can deny you the dance you have chosen for that moment in your life that you sometimes keep a secret until the time is right. You can always dance with someone you love or care for or if you are alone, you can dance with yourself and hang onto those precious moments in time that give you the experience you are longing for when it is time to dance.

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